Sunday 21 September 2014

Arrived safely

Hello hello! I have arrived in Hoima, where I will be spending the next 9 weeks. The journey down from the airport was a long and bumpy one but watching out the window kept me entertained with massive piles of pineapples filling the pavements and people carrying things like beds on the back of their bikes!
Today was the first full day here and it has been gently busy. At the moment I am here with; 4 midwives, a biomed student, and 5 paediatricians/nurses. We visited the Hoima referral hospital which is the government funded hospital - it was pretty shocking even though I've seen it before and there was a distinct lack of staff (maybe because its Sunday), the amount of people lying on dirty sheets or on the floor was ridiculous! And almost all the sinks were blocked making washing hands to prevent infection pretty difficult!
We then went on to the azur clinic which was set up by the charity 'Help Hoima' which was so much better in contrast to Hoima hospital but still nothing on UK health care! With 2 women per side room in labour - no one in England would put up with that!
After unloading the 15 boxes of medical equipment, knitted clothes and toys we took a visit to the mustard seed orphanage. It was lovely to see all the children that I saw 2 years and 7 years ago, even if they didn't remember me - just another mzungu (white person). I was amazed to see a little boy who arrived critically ill, absolutely tiny and at deaths door last time I was here was so chirpy and happy and healthy :)
Just had a surprisingly warm and powerful shower after a failed attempt at one this morning which was just a cold, dribble - its very hot and sticky here!
So far I am having a great time and I'm excited about what I'm going to do, see and experience over the next 2 months :)
Much love xxxx

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